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For many farmers, raising turkeys is not just a job, it’s a lifelong passion and constant practice in learning. Every once in a while you might feel stumped by a problem in the barn. You’ve tapped into your network of fellow farmers but are still unsure. Have you ever wanted to ask an expert?
That's where we come in. Keep scrolling to find answers to common questions on topics ranging from ventilation and biosecurity to turkey health and more.
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Questions & Answers
Blackhead is a parasite (protozoa) that cannot survive long outside a host (a turkey for example) unless protected inside an earthworm or a cecal worm called heterakis.
Currently, there are no new products being developed to prevent blackhead in outdoor flocks. Control measures focus on prevention and are aimed at averting direct contact with both cecal and earthworms infected by blackhead.
Earthworms will surface after rainy weather, and an outbreak might occur. Therefore, it is recommended to have a good system for drainage to keep the outdoor area as dry as possible. Ag-lime, heat, and medication are all prevention options used by growers.
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There are many factors that can impact the level of ammonia in your barn. In order to deal with this issue, you should first get a base measurement of the ammonia level the birds are experiencing. As ammonia is produced in the litter it is more concentrated at bird level. Therefore you should obtain your measurements from this same level. Hybrid recommends growers target ammonia levels of less than 25ppm.
Secondly, try to identify the root cause. In general, factors affecting ammonia levels surround the environment in the barn, diet or health of the flock.
Finally, the health status of your flock can be a contributing factor. A great preventative management technique to ensure good health and droppings quality is to provide sanitized water to your flock. This helps to achieve good gut health and overall performance. You can learn more about water sanitation methods if interested at
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