Get to know our veterinary team

Published on July 22, 2019

Get to know our veterinary team

We know that when the animals in your care are not acting right, your veterinarian is often one of the first calls. Their expertise and advice can make the difference between a close call and a devastating health challenge.

On the Hybrid team, we have a diverse group of vets with a variety of skills and years of experience. We count on their insight and proactive approach to make sure our turkeys are healthy and thriving. To support our customers with exceptional service, access to the veterinary team is available through your business partner, sales manager, or technical team member. Learn more about our North American-based vets and what they bring to the table.

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Cynthia Phillippe, DVM, DACPV

Veterinary Services and Quality Assurance Manager

Years of experience: 21

Languages: English, French

What is the most enjoyable or rewarding part about being a vet?

The diversity of my role. There are so many ways to make a difference. Between training employees, working to manage the responsible use of antibiotics, and collaborating with industry committees and universities, there is always a new challenge to tackle. As vets, we can also make a big difference in reducing Salmonella across the production chain. In our pedigree, grandparent, and parent stock facilities, we are committed to keeping our facilities Salmonella free.

What is one important aspect of raising turkeys/hatchery management people should pay attention to when maintaining a healthy flock?

At the hatchery, having effective quality controls in place with timely responses of identified issues is very important. The system should allow for a constant “learning wheel” as well as quick, adaptable reactions when required.

At the farm, I think it’s key to identify what’s normal and abnormal – bird behavior, barn environment, farm biosecurity, bird welfare, etc., but the same principles apply. Overall, we can never lose focus of the bird’s primary caretakers. Effective training, and keeping employees engaged in their day-to-day work is very important. We want to encourage them to keep observing, asking questions, and thinking of ways to improve the processes that they are involved in.

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Juan Carlos Lopez, DVM, MVSc., Ph.D

Hatchery Specialist

Years of experience: 23

Languages: Spanish, English

What is the most enjoyable or rewarding part about being a vet?

For me, I like that I am contributing to the welfare of the animals that will be part of the of the food chain.

What is one important aspect of raising turkeys/hatchery management people should pay attention to when maintaining a healthy flock?

Only the correct incubation process can guarantee that the poults in the farm will perform to their full genetic potential. Feed conversion, immune response, and health all go back to those developmental stages in incubation.

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Genevieve Huard, DVM

Veterinary Services

Years of experience: 1.5

Languages: English, French

What is the most enjoyable or rewarding part about being a vet?

I love seeing healthy birds being raised, but I also find it rewarding to help when things go wrong. Working with a multi-disciplinary team means that each of us bring our own perspective when dealing with a health challenge.

Outside of my responsibilities as a vet, I also enjoy that I’m part of a company that makes an impact on my community. Hendrix Genetics does this by providing safe food that was raised in an ethical way and by supporting community giving programs.

What is one important aspect of raising turkeys/hatchery management people should pay attention to when maintaining a healthy flock?

Don’t forget to take care of the basics: well-ventilated air, dry litter, and easily accessible feed and water. It’s also important to pay special attention to the first weeks. This is a crucial time in the birds’ development.

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Laura Tensa, DVM

Veterinary Services

Years of experience: 1

Languages: English

What is the most enjoyable or rewarding part about being a vet?

As a vet, every day is another opportunity to learn and grow.

What is one important aspect of raising turkeys/hatchery management people should pay attention to when maintaining a healthy flock?

Biosecurity is very important to make sure turkeys are not put under stress when they should be eating, drinking, and developing. It’s often an overlooked area, but putting the right processes in place will make a big difference in keeping your birds healthy.

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