A majestic bronze turkey suitable for a variety of production systems
The Cartier is derived from a cross between a European domesticated turkey and a North American wild turkey, brought back to Europe by colonists. The name Cartier is inspired by one of the great explorers of the 16th century, Jacques Cartier.
The Cartier balances the economics of a commercial strain, while maintaining the characteristics of a more traditional breed. It is a premium, broad-breasted turkey that has excellent conformation, high meat quality, natural fat layering. It is a robust bird that delivers very competitive feed conversion rates and meets the standards of high quality consumer labels such as Beter Leven. The Cartier is a slow-growing turkey that features beautiful bronze feathering and can be raised in a variety of production systems.
The Cartier is the product of choice for the most discerning tastes and the grandest occasions.
This product is only available to clients serviced by our European operations. For a similar strain, available in North and South America, view details on the Orlopp Bronze.
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